jumping onto the bandwagon of blogging? yeah, i am.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Bachelor party?

What a weekend. A long time friend of ours finally decided to leave
bachelorhood and getting married on the 10/Dec. Whole bunch of us
decided to throw him a party at the Beach Club.

We started with a nice spicy Sze-Chuan food at Pudu to line our stomach
for the invasion of alcohol, or to have something to puke. :) Red wine,
some Chivas goes down very well with good spicy food, the appetizer was
very good, pig ear, yum yum.

We finally make our way to Beach Club at around 9.30pm. We started of
with 2 nice pubs size (750ml) of Chivas (thanx to Jeff for waiting), and
the party start rolling with good live band playing on the stage. And
plenty of imported foreign worker cari-makan around the floor. Truly
United Nation.

Within 90 minutes, 1.5 litre of Chivas was consumed. Here comes abother
2 more bottle, what a mistake. Well, the future groom starts puking at
around midnight after a round of Flaming Lambogini.

Decided to we are not in the shape to drive, got a room in the nearby
service apartment and crash till the morning, got some good chinese
tim-sum before go home.

What a weekend? Anyone game for another one this weekend? We seems to
have one more un-opened bottle there!!!

Final score, 3x Chivas, 6 packs of Ciggie and one drunk Groom. Mission

PS: Saw Jason Lo walking around the floor, seems like he is searching
for something. :)


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